Motorized Movable Wall Resources

Partition Wall Material Guide

Written by Tudelu Staff | 9/26/2023

When you imagine interior partition wall materials, you probably think of regular drywall or wood. While these may have been the standard home or office partition wall materials in the past, they are not the best option when you want a temporary partition wall today. With a temporary wall, you can simply click a button and completely transform your space. Depending on the type of wall and material you choose, you could even benefit from enhanced sound-deadening features.

But if you’re new to the world of temporary partition walls, you’ve probably got a lot of questions. For example, what are the best temporary partition wall materials? What is a good wall material for soundproofing? What are the most common alternative wall materials on the market? Finally, where can you acquire a high-quality partition wall for your home or place of business?

In today’s guide, we will answer all of these questions and more, so let’s get started!

Types Of Partition Wall Materials

You can use many different materials to create a DIY partition wall, but more often than not, you’ll find them lacking for one reason or another. This is why many people turn to partition wall manufacturers to purchase prefab or custom partition walls. Either way, here are some of the most common partition wall materials you will encounter:

  • Drywall - If you plan on bringing in a construction crew to build your partition wall, you will likely end up with drywall or a similarly static material. While materials like drywall provide a fair amount of sound resistance and can serve as load-bearing surfaces, they are costly and time-consuming to install. Plus, once the wall is set in place, you have no way to move or alter it (besides tearing it down).
  • Wood - Wood is commonly used for more traditional-looking partition walls. However, designs can vary substantially. From a thin, sliding partition, to a thick, immovable wall, wood partitions can come in many forms. The downside is that wood partition walls do not keep out sound very well and can easily succumb to damage from moisture, chemicals, or surface abrasions.
  • Glass - Glass is another material that is commonly used with fixed partition walls in homes or office settings. Like wood, glass is not particularly good at keeping sound in or out. And though basic cleaning is easy with glass, you’ll find that any kind of abrasion is hard to fix or cover up. Plus, most glass partitions are at least somewhat translucent and therefore not ideal if you are concerned about privacy.
  • Metal - Steel or aluminum walls can work well in certain settings, but they are often combined with other materials for greater effect. Unfortunately, metal is not that versatile, so unless you have a highly specific plan for your space and don’t intend to make any changes, metal is not the best choice.
  • Polyvinyl Chloride-Coated Polyester - Finally, you can choose a strong fiber material like polyester for your partition wall. Polyester is ideal because it is lightweight enough to roll up when needed, but strong enough to provide a resistant surface and barrier between two distinct spaces. At Tudelü, we use fabric woven from polyvinyl chloride-coated polyester in all of our products, which offers excellent strength and sound resistance.

What Is The Best Material For Partition Walls?

When searching for the best partition wall material, it may be difficult to find a “one-size-fits-all” solution. That said, it’s important to consider the different features and capabilities of the fabric or material you use. More specifically, you’ll want to think about the resistance to abrasions, tears, fading, soil, chemicals, mildew, and bacteria, as well as the ease of cleaning. Generally speaking, fabric woven from polyvinyl chloride-coated polyester core yarns performs the best in all of these categories, but you’ll ultimately need to consider your specific needs and budget when finding the right material for your partition walls.

In the sections below, we’ll cover some of these considerations and features in greater detail, focusing on the benefits of using polyvinyl chloride-coated (PVC) polyester:

Abrasion & Tear Resistance

The base fabric of your partition wall needs to have good tear resistance of its own, regardless of the kind of coating applied. Fortunately, polyester has excellent tear resistance compared to similar materials. Polyvinyl chloride coating provides an extra layer of protection that reduces the risk of tears even further and makes the material resistant to abrasions or punctures.

Fade Resistance

While partition walls are best for indoor settings, PVC polyester is uniquely resistant to fading, extreme temperatures, and even discoloration caused by direct sunlight. As a result, it is great for indoor or outdoor use. Even if you work diligently to maintain your partition wall over time, using a material that is prone to fading will either require you to put up with an aesthetically unappealing wall or replace a perfectly functional partition.

Soil Resistance

On its own, polyester is pretty resistant to stains and dirt. Additionally, even if it does become soiled, polyester is very easy to clean (more on that later). With PVC coating, polyester becomes even more resistant to soiling. While you may not think that soil resistance is that important, you never know when an unexpected spill or similar accident could bring dirty particles into direct contact with your partition wall. So, the more resistant to dirt and soil, the better.

Chemical Resistance

PVC polyester is highly resistant to abrasive chemicals. For this reason, PVC polyester is often used in industrial settings. Applying this kind of chemical resistance in a residential or commercial environment may seem like overkill, but it ensures that your partition wall investment will be protected from whatever life throws your way. Plus, if you’re planning on doing any kind of renovation, harsh chemicals could very well find their way onto your partition, so chemical resistance is key for protecting the integrity of your temporary wall.

Mildew & Bacteria Resistance

Mildew and bacteria growth are extremely common, particularly in humid environments. If you choose the wrong material, you could find that your partition wall is difficult to clean or, in more extreme situations, completely beyond saving. PVC coating blocks moisture, preventing it from reaching the underlying polyester. Additionally, polyester’s synthetic composition is already highly resistant to mold and mildew, thanks to the biocides present in the material.


PVC polyester is easy to clean with standard household soap and warm water. If you find a heavy stain, you may need to resort to bleach. However, in most cases, PVC polyester is extremely easy to tidy up and does not require strong cleaning products.

Soundproof Partition Wall Material

If you’re looking for a completely soundproof partition wall, both the material and the thickness are extremely important. At Tudelü, our Mute Wall uses five-layered PVC polyester fabric that is just 4-inches thick. This thickness creates enough of a barrier to provide 48 UTC soundproofing, without taking up unnecessary space. And thanks to an automatic seal, you can be sure that no sound will be slipping through any cracks. With the Mute partition wall from Tudelü, you can have a completely soundproof wall in your home with just the click of a button!

We hope you enjoyed our partition wall material guide! Are you looking for a high-quality retractable wall to put in your home or place of business? If so, be sure to reach out to Tudelü today!